We Have Less Than Two Weeks to Election Day: It’s Time to “Do Something.”

I just signed up to assist at a local voting center in Washington DC. Myself and my sisters from Links, Inc.- an incredible African American community service organization for women- will be at the center assisting with the voting process on Election Day.

I have never done something like this before, because in prior elections I did not think this level of action from myself was warranted. And I did not have the flexibility to take time off work. But now I do and now I will.

I must act.

I see now that this election is more important than any other in which I have voted. The difference for me is that this election will determine whether our country goes backward, to a dark and dreary place rooted in fear, vitriol and chaos or forward to a dynamic, new version of leadership with a potential for transformational change.

It’s urgent for us all to act. Remember former First Lady Michelle Obama implored us at the Democratic National Convention to not just talk about the election and candidates or complain, but to “Do Something.”

What are you going to do in the next two weeks?

See it on LinkedIn first.


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